“Let your dreams be bigger than your fears…your actions louder than your words …and your faith stronger than your feelings.” - Hanna

“Get out before he takes you out!” – Hanna

Hanna was living a beautiful fulfilled life, a life of dreams that suddenly all changed. Her dreamlike life turned to horror as her raging husband stood across from her and fired his gun. The bullet hit her on the chest, her legs weakened and fell. She was left for dead. By some miracle she survived to tell her story.

Hanna’s story is compelling and riveting. It is a true crime story about survival and courage. Reading her story, one will gain courage and the power to overcome similar situations and give hope to every woman trapped in an abusive relationship. You too can be a survivor and no longer a victim.

Hanna was born in Yugoslavia and came to America when she was ten months old. Raised with the traditions of the old country, a tradition where the husband rules, she never saw the tragedy unfold.

It was her strength, the support of her family and the love for her children that allowed her to rebuild her life. She has now learned a valuable lesson about relationships and cultural responsibilities; a lesson that set her free from abusive men and traditions that kept her obedient to others. Hanna lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the mother of two girls and a grandmother to seven grandchildren.


Book $18.00 USD

“Met author Hanna Lulgjuraj Murray when she did an Author Signing of her book “Lived to Tell It” where she lays out how her spousal abuse escalated into being shot and left for dead. She includes a small booklet on spousal abuse that changed my life in April of this year! I had NO IDEA I met the criteria and needed help until I read her book. I think she saved my life. And today I had the pleasure of telling her so!” - Linda P. Taylor, September 11, 2012

Book Review

Hanna had been happily married for many years, and she thought theirs was a love that would never end. Little did she know that everything was about to come crashing down around her. Her husband wanted Hanna to ask her parents for a huge amount of money, something she could not do. To her horror and shock, this started a series of criminal activities by Hanna’s raging husband that she couldn’t believe. This led to the time he stood right in front of her and shot her in the chest, leaving her for dead. Was this the same man she loved and married?

Hanna Lulgjuraj-Murray writes her story to help other people living in an abusive relationship. She wants to give hope of survival to each person reading her story. Hanna’s story is a real life crime story, with her own husband being the criminal wanting to destroy Hanna and everyone around her. She writes of her courage to take a stand for herself and her children, and how she survived the long years it too to finally put this too rest. Wow, no one should ever have to go through this type of abuse, and especially from someone that was supposed to love you, that had two children with you! This is a fascinating story, one I couldn’t put down until the end, finishing it in less that 24 hours. Hanna was young and in love, respecting the culture and beliefs she was taught growing up, so she didn’t see this coming. I admire Hanna for putting her own life on the line in order to keep her children and family safe. And I admire her even more for having the courage to stand up to this not evil stranger she had been living with.

If someone you know is living in an abusive relationship, I highly recommend that you get a copy of this book to them, so that they too can know that there is hope in their situation. I appreciate that Hanna had the courage to write this book, and is doing whatever she can to help others. Hanna also has a website with lots of helpful information.” – Reviewed by Joy H. for Readers Favorite